Thursday, November 22, 2012

Anger is a feel good emotion

According to PRI, anger is a defense mechanism.

PRI | Philippe Moisan |
PRI means Past Reality Integration. You can read a post where I introduce the concepts of PRI by clicking here.
Anger is part of the defense mechanism called False Power. The main use of anger is to avoid uncomfortable feelings. Anger is an easy way out when something happens where you feel you can take control back by acting out your anger.
Let me give you examples of why I say anger is a feel good emotion. Let's say you are in a bus, standing. You get hit from behind. You turn back, ready to shout at whoever it. You realize it's a blind person. Your anger is replaced instantly by compassion. You ask if the person is hurt or needs help, and you say "no problem" as he apologizes.
Another example is a car moving right in front of yours, missing by inches. Most people will be angry and start shouting at that dangerous driver. It's so much easier to react that way, instead of staying calm and smiling when you realize nothing happened and you're still on your way to whatever your errand is.
Most if not all parents have screamed at their kids from time to time. No matter how good our parenting skills are, there are moments where we are simply tired, and it's so easy to turn to anger to get back control of the situation.
In all those examples, anger can be used to try to solve a problem. Sometimes it works. However, there's one result you always get when you get angry. The other person won't like it. They might not retaliate, some will forgive you. But keep using your anger, and you'll hurt the relationship.
In most situations we go through as adults, anger is not recommended. It's a cop out, an excuse. It demonstrates how weak we are in that particular context.That weakness is our brain playing against us, with past memories of things we haven't dealt with.

PRI describes anger as a way to avoid pain from past situations. 

There's something in the situation that makes you angry, that something is a symbol. Your brain is triggered by it, and anger comes to the rescue. If you choose instead to not be angry, you'll feel the emotion hiding behind.
For more complete information on how PRI can help you deal better with your anger, I encourage you to read Past Reality Integration: 3 Steps to Mastering the Art of Conscious Living. It's an excellent book describing in detail a great method to integrate your painful memories and make them manageable.

PRI can really help you live a fuller life.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Was the Holocaust a way to finance Hitler's war efforts

NOTE: This post is published, because I want to show it to friends, to get their opinions, and to see if I have written anything in it that is stupid, false or rubbish. When the post is satisfactory, I will delete this note.

Recently, I had a discussion with a friend. I'm Catholic. She believes all wars are caused by religion. She also said Christians are hypocrites. We both are building online businesses. She is successful and has been for years. I'm still struggling. She believes in the Law Of Attraction (LOA). Somehow, I feel that LOA goes against my faith.

That conversation happened about 3 weeks ago. Since then, I've been preoccupied by what she said about wars. In my opinion, there are many different reasons for wars to happen. I thought money was the most important. I now believe that power is behind most wars. Weapons manufacturers want wars to happen, and last as long as possible, it's good for business. I guess they don't feel guilty about the havoc caused by their activities.

All this made me realize something I never thought of before. What if the Holocaust was an excuse for Hitler to fund his army? After all, sending the Jews to the concentration camps gave him easy control of these families' assets. The perfect race he pretended he wanted to create had a major flaw: he didn't fit in. He wanted them to be blonde, with blue eyes, good looking. He was the opposite of that in every way. The creation would have turned against its master after a while, had he been serious about it, and if Germany had won the war.

Yes, I think it's clear he hated the Jews themselves. They have always claimed they are God's chosen people. Are they right or not? It's the topic of another article. Since I said I'm Catholic, you already know my opinion on this matter. My point is, people like Hitler, who want ultimate power over the whole world, can only see people like the Jews as an obstacle. An important one, too, since they are influential, and many of them have a lot of money. They were present in many countries, including Germany. Throwing them out could have been an option, but he wanted to go to war against many countries. He needed a lot of money for that. Increasing taxes to a sufficient level would have hurt his popularity. Since he was talented at influencing a big portion of his population, it was a simple matter to kill two birds with one stone: get rid of the Jews and take their money.

In today's politcal arena, nobody could successfully accomplish such a feat. In the 1930s, the Jews didn't have their own country, let alone their intelligence agency. We know how efficient the Mossad is. They have to be, it's a necessary condition when you're surrounded by countries who want to wipe you out.